Where in the world have you flown?
How long have you been in the air?
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The community pages of FlightMemory

On these pages you will find an overview of stats we continuously generate through our users FlightData on FlightMemory (and the German sister FlugStatistik).

FlightMemory and FlugStatistik - real international!

The UserMaps are generated anonymously for those users from whom we know the location and for whose country we could acquire geodata.

The ratings of our users for airlines, airports and aircrafts

Click here to see the first ratings of our users
(this data will grow and will be improved in the future)

The FlightMemory AirRatings - ratings by airline and booking class

Our users' ratings by airline and booking class
The first new level of analysis shows the ratings of chosen airlines split up to the different booking classes as it really is a difference if you are flying coach or 1st, when you are rating an airline.

The FlightMemory AirRatings - ratings by distance

Our users' ratings by airline and distance flown
And again - just a deeper look into the data. Does it actually influence the rating if you look at the distance flown? For this we divided all flights into three groups: short, medium and long distance flights and show the rating for the chosen airlines accordingly.

The accumulated data of all users worldwide for last 24 hours

Stats of all flights flown in the last 24h by our users worldwide - yesterday by numbers and data-types (airlines, airports and more).
* Note: On all "24 hours"-pages, all flights are collected, which were flown worldwide in the last 24 hours.

Our detailed 24 hours* stats:

 Top Airlines     Top Airports     Top Aircrafts     Groups   
* Note: On all "24 hours"-pages, all flights are collected, which were flown worldwide in the last 24 hours.
** Note: On the "Crew" and "Cockpit" pages, all flights are collected, for which the user has profiled himself as member of a crew or a cockpit. The stats are summed for the last 7 days.
*** Note: On the "Vurtual" pages, all flights are collected, for which the user has profiled himself as a virtual user (Flight Simulator for pilots and PC/Mac Flight Simulators). The stats are summed for the last 7 days.

Stats based on official rankings and more

Stats sorted by the official IATA and ACI rankings 2007 - and more.

The FlightMemory WayBack machine

Stats of all flights recorded worldwide for exactly this date 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10 and 15 years ago.