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FlightMemory TopAirlines last 7 days  

  Details Airline: Ryanairback to community

Flight Distances


Flight Time




FlightMemory Poster

In Miles110,725
In Kilometer178,195
Earth Circumnavigation 4.45 time(s)
Distance to the Moon0.464 time(s)
Distance to the Sun0.0012 time(s)
Hours  298:53
Months 0.42
Total number of flights  133
Intra-continental w/o domestic 120
Other flights0

Longest Flight (Distance): 4,093 km, 5:55 h, Warszawa (Modlin) - Tenerife Sur (Reina Sofía), 27.11.2024
Longest Flight (Duration):9:40 h, 1,663 km, Berlin (Berlin Brandenburg, Willy Brandt) - Catania (Fontanarossa), 03.12.2024
Shortest Flight:  202 km, 0:55 h, Barcelona (El Prat International) - Palma de Mallorca (Son San Juan), 01.12.2024
Average per Flight: 1,340 km, 2:15 h

Domestic Flights


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Top Ten Airports

#Airport Amount %
1 BGY Bergamo  18  6.8 %
2 STN London  14  5.3 %
3 BER Berlin  10  3.8 %
4 PRG Prague  9  3.4 %
5 CGN Cologne/Bonn  9  3.4 %
6 GDN Gdansk  9  3.4 %
7 DUB Dublin  8  3.0 %
8 KRK Krakow  8  3.0 %
9 WMI Warszawa  7  2.6 %
10 CIA Roma  7  2.6 %

Top Ten Airlines

#Airline Amount %
1 Ryanair  133  100.0 %

Top Ten Aircraft

#Airplane Amount %
1 Boeing 737  93  69.9 %
2 Airbus A320 Family  1  0.8 %

Top Ten Routes

#FlightPath Amount %
1 CPH-GDN  2  1.5 %
2 CIA-PRG  2  1.5 %
3 GDN-CPH  2  1.5 %
4 MAD-BGY  2  1.5 %
5 BGY-MAD  2  1.5 %
6 TIA-PRG  1  0.8 %
7 CRL-CLJ  1  0.8 %
8 LPA-VLC  1  0.8 %
9 BGY-WRO  1  0.8 %
10 ATH-MXP  1  0.8 %

Additional Data

Total Airports 86
Total Airlines 1
Total Aircraft type  23
Total Airplanes 51
Total Routes 128
Total Countries 40

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Airplane Model - El Al - Retro - Boeing 787-9 - 1/200 - Premium model
El Al - Retro - Boeing 787-9 - 1/200 - Premium model
Airplane Model - Western Pacific - Split - Boeing 737-300 - 1/200
Western Pacific - Split - Boeing 737-300 - 1/200
Airplane Model - Lufthansa - Say yes to Europe - Airbus A320-200 - 1/200 - Premium model
Lufthansa - Say yes to Europe - Airbus A320-200 - 1/200 - Premium model